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Showing posts from April 18, 2010

Mommy Moments: RED

The theme of Mommy Moments for this week is RED. Unfortunately, the kids don't have lots of red stuff... In fact, the twins do not own red things..only yana has a red shirt plus 2 pairs of red shoes (I posted the pic of the other pair during the 'shoes' theme before)... Another pic, close-up :) (I'm loving Mommy Moments!) Ellana Victoria  (that's how it was spelled in her birth certificate :( though I wanted to stick with the "Eliana") Although Ysha and Yza don't have red dresses, they have lots of pink stuff and I have to sneak in some of their latest pics here :) They're growing soooo fast! Look at how big they are now at two months considering that they were only 6 pounds each when they were born! Elisha Velika Elyza Venize

InfoDose: My New Blog

Hi guys, I'm inviting all of you to check out my new blog: InfoDose ( I started it on the 18th and it hasn't been indexed by Google yet but I hope it would soon :) It's a more formal site for tech and gadget news, health news, and there's also a contest corner link. Hope you'll find my first few posts as great reads. :) Enjoy your recommended dose of information :)

I Hate Smoking (News): Smoking and Chronic Sinusitis

A recent study showed that exposure to secondhand smoke is one of the factors which causes as many as 40% of the estimated 30 million cases of chronic s inusitis among adults in the United States. This conclusion resulted from a comparative study among chronic sinusitis sufferers and non-sufferers. The two groups were matched according to age, sex, and race in four settings - home, work, public places, and private social gatherings. Researchers found out that compared to non-sufferers, those who had chronic sinusitis are more likely to report that they have been exposed to secondhand smoke at social gatherings   (51% vs. 28%) and at work (18% vs.7%). ** Chronic Sinusitis: Sinus inflammation for at least three months. Symptoms:  nasal congestion, facial pain, headache, and coughing.