To gain an additional 100 points from My Thoughts, My Heart, and My Turf, I'm posting Bambie's list for secondary sponsors :)
Here goes...
Cornyman's Money Blog - 1,000 EC + 10 x Spikes from CMF Ads worth 1$ (250 visitors)**
Earn Money Online with Red - 2 months AD space**
Earth Friendly Momma - 1,000 EC credits**
Fashion Explorer - 1,000 EC credits**
Gene + Experiments - 1 month AD space**
Health and Beauty Diva - 1,000 EC credits**
Her and History - 1,000 EC credits**
Here Anything Goes - 1,000 EC credits**
Home Buddies - AD spaces in her PR3, PR2, and PR1 blogs**
I Empower Myself - 1 month 125x125 AD space**
Inspirational Insights - 2,000 EC credits**
Life Can't Wait - 1,000 EC credits**
Life of a Filipina Blogger - 1,000 EC credits**
Liza's Online Journal - 1,000 EC credits + 1 month 125x125 AD space**
Mariuca Wishing on a Falling Star - 1,000 EC credits**
Mariuca's Perfume Gallery - 1,000 EC credits**
Meow Diaries - 1,000 EC credits**
Moms Write Stuff - 1,000 EC credits**
My Daily Thoughts and Ramblings - 2 months AD space (winner can opt to have 1 250x125 AD or 2 125x125 AD)**
My Journey to Life - 1 month AD space**
Pinkville - 1 month 125x125 AD space**
Proud Mommy and Wifey - 1,000 EC credits + 1 month 125x125 Ad space**
Runaway Blogger - 1,000 EC credits**
Samantha’s Own - 2,000 EC credits**
Simple Pero Rock - 1 month AD space and 2,000 EC credits**
Spread the Word - 1 month 125x125 AD space**
Tasty Exploration - 1,000 EC credits**
Teaching Moments - 1,000 EC credits**
The One Minute Guide - 1,000 EC + 10 x Spikes from CMF Ads worth 1$ (250 visitors)**
The Pinay Blogger at Home - 1,000 EC credits**
Up Now and What's Next - 1 month 125x125 Ad space**
Wonderful World of Peachy - 1,000 EC credits + 1 month AD space**