Dear Mommy Dear Mommy, your child is your princess. She is your responsibility. If not for her own sake, never let her get hurt by any means. Dear Mommy, your child is your fan. She learns and takes after what you do, how you feel, where you go, how you react, what you think, why you love and why you hate. For her, be the best. Do not fail at being a good person for she too might suffer the same fate. Dear Mommy, your child is your student. Teach her everything that you know and guide her in every way that you can. Bombard her with good thoughts, warm emotions, and logical and critical reasoning. Empower her with love, understanding and patience. Dear Mommy, your child is your flesh and blood. Accept her. Recognize the whole of her - strengths, weaknesses, successes, and failures. Never forsake her for making wrong decisions and doing wrong things. She needs your guidance and your encouragement, not your pity, pride, and punishment. She needs you even when she says she doesn...
How are the twins?
By the way I nominated you here
I'm willing to pay $0.10 via PayPal for your efforts. :) I'm providing you the article and pics, including a free mp3 of the band's song. :D The article may also help drive a different population demographic to your site, which will hopefully further increase your readership. :D
Tell me if you're interested in posting my article. Pls email me at Thanks for your time!
A. Jones
PS feel free to delete my comment after you've read it. :) thanks again!