I've been tagged by Cee of EveryThoughtCounts :) This is my first time to be photo-tagged :) Here are the rules..
1.Look through your photo archives for the chosen blog and pull out the tenth photo you posted.
2.Tell us a little about it.
3.Tag five more players.
4.Let the fun begin!
What I've found is a pic of me and my sisters - Eliza Jane and Eleonor Grace (hehe, just wanted to mention their names). It was for a contest of Enchanted Kingdom (I didn't win). The photo was taken 2 years ago, when I was still pregnant with Yana :) T'was Xmas and we took the pic using this lappy when I visited them after I eloped with hubby (tsktsk, bad mommy). I was very happy that day 'coz my family finally forgave me for what I did.
And now, the tagging...
1. Chris of http://www.mommyjourney.com
2. Goyo of http://goyosadventure.blogspot.com
3. Maver of http://maver.wifespeaks.com
4. Pehpot of http://www.pehpot.com
5. Kayce of http://kayeshayne.blogspot.com